Evolution of deaths between 1 March and 30 April 2020 Tables, maps, graphs and comments

Detailed figures
Paru le :Paru le12/06/2020
- June 2020

At national level

At national level, the total number of deaths recorded as at 29 May 2020 having occurred between 1 March and 30 April 2020 is higher than that recorded in the same periods in 2019 and 2018: 129,084 deaths have been recorded in France in 2020 (an average of 2,116 deaths per day) compared with 102,785 in 2019 and 110,841 in 2018. The number of deaths in France between 1 March and 30 April 2020 is therefore 26% higher than the number recorded for the same period in 2019, and 16% higher than that of 2018.

The number of deaths, which averaged at 1,790 per day for the first half of March 2020, increased steeply to 2,250 over the course of the second half of the month. It reached its peak on 1 April with 2,795 deaths recorded on that day, and has been falling since then (2,540 deaths per day on average in the first half of April and 1,870 per day on average in the second half). It should, however, be noted that the average number of deaths per day is often high in January and February, due to flu episodes; over the last five years, the highest level was seen in January 2017 with an average of 2,200 deaths per day (see methodological note). In total, the number of deaths that occurred between 1 January and 30 April 2020 stands at 237,605; this is higher than the number recorded for the same period in 2019 (219,034) and 2018 (222,824).

Number of deaths in France until 30 April 2020Cumulated figures since 1 March

Number of deaths in France until 30 April 2020
Day 2020 2019 2018
01/Mar 1778 1872 2136
02/Mar 3557 3782 4327
03/Mar 5320 5530 6455
04/Mar 7129 7410 8545
05/Mar 8900 9278 10746
06/Mar 10740 11148 12904
07/Mar 12428 13007 14959
08/Mar 14137 14808 17066
09/Mar 15959 16581 19115
10/Mar 17784 18248 21201
11/Mar 19684 20014 23143
12/Mar 21482 21720 25190
13/Mar 23261 23411 27170
14/Mar 25041 25129 29097
15/Mar 26886 26875 30995
16/Mar 28877 28595 32902
17/Mar 30921 30230 34742
18/Mar 32929 31987 36533
19/Mar 35049 33671 38356
20/Mar 37088 35332 40147
21/Mar 39025 37033 42049
22/Mar 41032 38721 43941
23/Mar 43197 40419 45767
24/Mar 45364 42047 47652
25/Mar 47696 43712 49469
26/Mar 50078 45337 51322
27/Mar 52493 47023 53182
28/Mar 55015 48713 55009
29/Mar 57398 50376 56836
30/Mar 60078 52013 58641
31/Mar 62822 53631 60407
01/Apr 65617 55320 62189
02/Apr 68260 57021 63904
03/Apr 71014 58707 65755
04/Apr 73697 60375 67510
05/Apr 76373 62038 69272
06/Apr 79069 63687 71003
07/Apr 81717 65362 72743
08/Apr 84302 67026 74459
09/Apr 86807 68648 76194
10/Apr 89378 70315 77998
11/Apr 91803 71922 79704
12/Apr 94058 73545 81438
13/Apr 96422 75101 83108
14/Apr 98741 76620 84724
15/Apr 100982 78243 86391
16/Apr 103154 79910 88083
17/Apr 105444 81637 89725
18/Apr 107572 83251 91373
19/Apr 109563 84930 93119
20/Apr 111455 86607 94881
21/Apr 113354 88172 96636
22/Apr 115229 89831 98214
23/Apr 117101 91516 99815
24/Apr 118936 93259 101419
25/Apr 120742 94902 102996
26/Apr 122438 96522 104553
27/Apr 124089 98084 106122
28/Apr 125815 99673 107705
29/Apr 127489 101227 109279
30/Apr 129084 102785 110841
  • Note : all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Number of deaths in France until 30 April 2020Cumulated figures since 1 March

  • Note : all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Source : Insee, civil register

At regional and departmental level

At regional level, Île-de-France recorded the highest rise in the total number of deaths between 1 March and 30 April 2020 compared with the same period in 2019 (+89%), followed by Grand Est (+54%) and then Hauts-de-France and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (+27% and +25% respectively). In Mayotte, the number of deaths also increased by 24% compared with 2019. In all these regions, the number of deaths is also higher than that recorded in the same period in 2018. In two other regions, the figure is more than 15% higher than that recorded over the same period in 2019 and is also higher than in 2018: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (+18%) and Centre-Val de Loire (+17%). The regions and the departments are the places where the deaths have occurred, and not the places of residence of the deceased.

At departmental level, three departments recorded at least twice the number of deaths between 1 March and 30 April 2020 than over the same period in 2019. These are Seine-Saint-Denis (+123%), Haut-Rhin (+115%) and Hauts-de-Seine (+112%). Among the ten departments that have recorded the highest increases in deaths over this period between 2019 and 2020, there are also six other departments in the Île-de-France region (with increases ranging from +68% in Paris to 94% in Val-de-Marne) and again one department in the Grand Est region, Vosges (+84%). Five departments have recorded an increase of between 50% and 60% compared with 2019. These are Oise (60%), Moselle (58%), Bas-Rhin (56%), Doubs (55%) and Aisne (50%). A total of 34 departments have noted increases in deaths of at least 20% compared with 2019.

In the Île-de-France region, the increase in the number of daily deaths was very high in the second half of March (410 deaths each day on average, compared with 220 per day in the first half of March, which is an increase of 90%). From the end of the first week of April, the number of deaths per day has been falling continuously, but at a slower rate than that observed in the growth phase. In total, the average number of deaths per day was 610 in the first half of April (+48% compared with the second half of March), then 330 in the second half of April (-46% for the second half of April compared with the first half of April). It was in Seine-Saint-Denis (+149%) that the increase in daily deaths was the greatest between the first and second halves of March, followed by Hauts-de-Seine (+101%), Val-d’Oise (+92%) and Val-de-Marne (+88%), with more moderate growth in Paris (+81%) and especially in Seine-et-Marne (+63%). In all these departments, the number of daily deaths in the first half of April was still increasing compared with the second half of March (with variable rates ranging from +29% in Paris to +69% in Essonne and +44% in Seine-Saint-Denis). It decreases everywhere in the second half of April.

In the Grand Est region, the number of daily deaths also increased very rapidly in the second half of March (+71% compared with the first half of March), but it began to fall from the first half of April (-2%). The decrease then became more pronounced in the second half of April (-33%). The situation in the departments of the Grand Est region is also more variable than in the departments of the Île-de-France region. In the second half of March, the increase in daily deaths was very sharp in Haut-Rhin (+144%), between 80% and 90% in Meuse, Haute-Marne and Moselle, and around 60% in Marne, Vosges and Bas-Rhin. In all these departments, with the exception of Marne, the number of daily deaths stabilised or decreased slightly in the first half of April, before falling more clearly in the second half of April. In Haut-Rhin, the decrease was significant from the first half of April.

During the second half of March, the increase in daily deaths was also notable in three departments of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region: Territoire-de-Belfort (+88% compared with the first half of March), Doubs (+47%) and the Côte d’Or (+42%). It was then moderate (below +10%) in the first half of April. Then, the number of deaths decreased during the second half of April. Finally, in Oise, one of the first departments affected, the increase was 35% in the second half of March, then it reduced to 3% in the first half of April before falling further (-24%).

Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019, by département

Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019, by département - Reading Note: In Bas-Rhin, the total number of deaths between 1 March and 30 April increased by 56.5% between 2019 and 2020.
Département Evolution
Ain 24,6
Aisne 50,4
Allier -0,4
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence 1,9
Hautes-Alpes -11,8
Alpes-Maritimes 8,9
Ardèche 30,0
Ardennes 16,5
Ariège -3,7
Aube 14,3
Aude 15,0
Aveyron 11,8
Bouches-du-Rhône 18,9
Calvados 2,8
Cantal -7,4
Charente -3,0
Charente-Maritime 5,9
Cher 17,7
Corrèze 2,6
Côte-d'Or 29,8
Côtes-d'Armor 2,5
Creuse 7,7
Dordogne -6,7
Doubs 55,2
Drôme 16,4
Eure 28,0
Eure-et-Loir 31,8
Finistère 4,3
Corse-du-Sud 24,6
Haute-Corse -10,7
Gard 11,5
Haute-Garonne 2,7
Gers 3,6
Gironde 1,7
Hérault 9,9
Ille-et-Vilaine 4,8
Indre 36,3
Indre-et-Loire 8,0
Isère 9,5
Jura 16,9
Landes 2,6
Loir-et-Cher 12,5
Loire 15,9
Haute-Loire -6,6
Loire-Atlantique 8,5
Loiret 8,5
Lot 7,4
Lot-et-Garonne 8,7
Lozère 0,0
Maine-et-Loire 14,1
Manche 13,7
Marne 38,9
Haute-Marne 29,6
Mayenne 11,7
Meurthe-et-Moselle 30,8
Meuse 25,7
Morbihan 8,9
Moselle 57,6
Nièvre 12,1
Nord 22,1
Oise 60,0
Orne 3,0
Pas-de-Calais 11,3
Puy-de-Dôme 1,0
Pyrénées-Atlantiques -0,5
Hautes-Pyrénées 8,1
Pyrénées-Orientales 0,8
Bas-Rhin 56,5
Haut-Rhin 115,9
Rhône 36,9
Haute-Saône 35,9
Saône-et-Loire 13,0
Sarthe 13,2
Savoie 16,6
Haute-Savoie 29,0
Paris 68,4
Seine-Maritime 15,1
Seine-et-Marne 79,7
Yvelines 68,9
Deux-Sèvres 21,9
Somme 26,4
Tarn -10,1
Tarn-et-Garonne -8,8
Var 10,9
Vaucluse -0,3
Vendée 6,4
Vienne 1,4
Haute-Vienne -3,9
Vosges 83,9
Yonne 11,0
Territoire de Belfort 40,0
Essonne 92,9
Hauts-de-Seine 112,1
Seine-Saint-Denis 123,4
Val-de-Marne 94,5
Val-d'Oise 93,6
Guadeloupe 6,3
Martinique -4,1
Guyane -33,9
La Réunion -1,0
Mayotte 24,0
  • Note: all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Reading Note: In Bas-Rhin, the total number of deaths between 1 March and 30 April increased by 56.5% between 2019 and 2020.
  • Coverage : France, broken down by department
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019, by département

  • Note : all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Reading Note: In Bas-Rhin, the total number of deaths between 1 March and 30 April increased by 56.5% between 2019 and 2020.
  • Coverage : France, broken down by department
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Difference between the number of deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020, and the number of deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019

Difference between the number of deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020, and the number of deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019 - Reading note: In Loiret, there were 89 more deaths between 1 March and 30 April 2020 than in the same period in 2019.
Département Additional deaths in 2020 Fewer deaths in 2020
Ain 183
Aisne 457
Allier 3
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence 6
Hautes-Alpes 30
Alpes-Maritimes 181
Ardèche 179
Ardennes 72
Ariège 11
Aube 78
Aude 103
Aveyron 65
Bouches-du-Rhône 611
Calvados 36
Cantal 26
Charente 23
Charente-Maritime 75
Cher 107
Corrèze 14
Côte-d'Or 279
Côtes-d'Armor 30
Creuse 24
Dordogne 56
Doubs 401
Drôme 135
Eure 203
Eure-et-Loir 210
Finistère 74
Corse-du-Sud 58
Haute-Corse 31
Gard 131
Haute-Garonne 49
Gers 14
Gironde 41
Hérault 192
Ille-et-Vilaine 74
Indre 174
Indre-et-Loire 81
Isère 152
Jura 72
Landes 17
Loir-et-Cher 81
Loire 229
Haute-Loire 27
Loire-Atlantique 179
Loiret 89
Lot 28
Lot-et-Garonne 58
Lozère 0
Maine-et-Loire 173
Manche 126
Marne 362
Haute-Marne 101
Mayenne 56
Meurthe-et-Moselle 375
Meuse 97
Morbihan 127
Moselle 1001
Nièvre 56
Nord 846
Oise 622
Orne 17
Pas-de-Calais 273
Puy-de-Dôme 11
Pyrénées-Atlantiques 7
Hautes-Pyrénées 40
Pyrénées-Orientales 8
Bas-Rhin 958
Haut-Rhin 1364
Rhône 927
Haute-Saône 132
Saône-et-Loire 147
Sarthe 127
Savoie 104
Haute-Savoie 290
Paris 2018
Seine-Maritime 320
Seine-et-Marne 1047
Yvelines 970
Deux-Sèvres 125
Somme 277
Tarn 78
Tarn-et-Garonne 40
Var 201
Vaucluse 3
Vendée 72
Vienne 12
Haute-Vienne 31
Vosges 533
Yonne 79
Territoire de Belfort 162
Essonne 1116
Hauts-de-Seine 1874
Seine-Saint-Denis 1567
Val-de-Marne 1546
Val-d'Oise 1190
Guadeloupe 36
Martinique 25
Guyane 64
La Réunion 8
Mayotte 35
  • Note: all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Reading note: In Loiret, there were 89 more deaths between 1 March and 30 April 2020 than in the same period in 2019.
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Difference between the number of deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020 and the number of deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019

  • Note: all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Reading note: In Loiret, there were 89 more deaths between 1 March and 30 April 2020 than in the same period in 2019.
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Evolution of total deaths from 16 to 30 April 2020 compared to total deaths from 1 to 15 April 2020 by département

Evolution of total deaths from 16 to 30 April 2020 compared to total deaths from 1 to 15 April 2020 by département - Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 16 and 30 April 2020 decreased by 51.3% compared to the one recorded between 1 and 15 April 2020.
Département Evolution rate
Ain -18 %
Aisne -27,5%
Allier -17,4%
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence 7,0%
Hautes-Alpes -14,3%
Alpes-Maritimes -14,4%
Ardèche -29,1%
Ardennes -8,5%
Ariège -16,9%
Aube -17,3%
Aude -10,8%
Aveyron -32,4%
Bouches-du-Rhône -20,7%
Calvados -19,1%
Cantal 5,0%
Charente -34,1%
Charente-Maritime -14,2%
Cher -15,0%
Corrèze -20,1%
Côte-d'Or -34,0%
Côtes-d'Armor -24,6%
Creuse -12,8%
Dordogne -1,1%
Doubs -27,9%
Drôme -20,7%
Eure -30,0%
Eure-et-Loir -10,6%
Finistère -5,7%
Corse-du-Sud -42,9%
Haute-Corse -27,7%
Gard -2,3%
Haute-Garonne -11,0%
Gers 0,0%
Gironde -4,7%
Hérault -18,7%
Ille-et-Vilaine -20,4%
Indre -5,2%
Indre-et-Loire -20,8%
Isère -12,5%
Jura -8,8%
Landes -26,2%
Loir-et-Cher -9,8%
Loire -24,1%
Haute-Loire -23,3%
Loire-Atlantique -18,3%
Loiret -28,1%
Lot -13,2%
Lot-et-Garonne -1,8%
Lozère -7,9%
Maine-et-Loire -18,6%
Manche -13,1%
Marne -28,1%
Haute-Marne -11,0%
Mayenne -35,3%
Meurthe-et-Moselle -15,2%
Meuse -29,9%
Morbihan -14,2%
Moselle -39,9%
Nièvre -18,2%
Nord -20,7%
Oise -23,7%
Orne -28,7%
Pas-de-Calais -9,1%
Puy-de-Dôme -9,3%
Pyrénées-Atlantiques -15,0%
Hautes-Pyrénées -11,4%
Pyrénées-Orientales -2,7%
Bas-Rhin -31,2%
Haut-Rhin -51,3%
Rhône -21,7%
Haute-Saône -43,7%
Saône-et-Loire -26,2%
Sarthe -16,4%
Savoie -15,6%
Haute-Savoie -27,6%
Paris -45,9%
Seine-Maritime -24,6%
Seine-et-Marne -34,9%
Yvelines -43,9%
Deux-Sèvres -21,7%
Somme -27,8%
Tarn -7,8%
Tarn-et-Garonne 9,8%
Var -15,8%
Vaucluse -18,1%
Vendée -14,8%
Vienne -14,5%
Haute-Vienne -16,2%
Vosges -33,1%
Yonne -22,9%
Territoire de Belfort -40,8%
Essonne -46,5%
Hauts-de-Seine -51,5%
Seine-Saint-Denis -50,7%
Val-de-Marne -48,4%
Val-d'Oise -37,9%
Guadeloupe 11,8%
Martinique -20,1%
Guyane 35,0%
Réunion -2,7%
Mayotte -28,3%
  • Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 16 and 30 April 2020 decreased by 51.3% compared to the one recorded between 1 and 15 April 2020.
  • Coverage : France, broken down by département
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Evolution of total deaths from 16 to 30 April 2020 compared to total deaths from 1 to 15 April 2020 by département

  • Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 16 and 30 April 2020 decreased by 51.3% compared to the one recorded between 1 and 15 April 2020.
  • Coverage : France, broken down by département
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Evolution of total deaths from 1 to 15 April 2020 compared to total deaths from 16 to 31 March 2020 by department

Evolution of total deaths from 1 to 15 April 2020 compared to total deaths from 16 to 31 March 2020 by department - Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 1 and 15 April 2020 decreased by 24% compared to the one recorded between 16 and 31 March 2020.
Département Evolution rate
Ain 10,9%
Aisne 19,6%
Allier 23,6%
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence -6,5%
Hautes-Alpes -13,4%
Alpes-Maritimes -2,2%
Ardèche 14,5%
Ardennes 30,6%
Ariège 34,1%
Aube 12,3%
Aude 10,3%
Aveyron 11,0%
Bouches-du-Rhône 15,7%
Calvados 4,5%
Cantal 0,4%
Charente 3,6%
Charente-Maritime 9,8%
Cher 27,0%
Corrèze -11,2%
Côte-d'Or 9,3%
Côtes-d'Armor 4,5%
Creuse 1,9%
Dordogne -11,8%
Doubs 4,8%
Drôme -4,2%
Eure 50,9%
Eure-et-Loir 23,9%
Finistère -5,0%
Corse-du-Sud 17,9%
Haute-Corse -3,7%
Gard -11,7%
Haute-Garonne 5,5%
Gers -3,7%
Gironde -5,2%
Hérault -11,0%
Ille-et-Vilaine 9,9%
Indre 24,1%
Indre-et-Loire -1,2%
Isère 11,4%
Jura 9,1%
Landes 9,7%
Loir-et-Cher 1,4%
Loire 12,1%
Haute-Loire 7,7%
Loire-Atlantique 9,6%
Loiret 20,6%
Lot -0,8%
Lot-et-Garonne -4,6%
Lozère -9,9%
Maine-et-Loire 18,5%
Manche 6,3%
Marne 25,7%
Haute-Marne -13,8%
Mayenne 11,7%
Meurthe-et-Moselle 10,8%
Meuse -0,3%
Morbihan -4,6%
Moselle 2,4%
Nièvre 4,4%
Nord 14,9%
Oise 3,0%
Orne 26,7%
Pas-de-Calais 4,8%
Puy-de-Dôme 6,3%
Pyrénées-Atlantiques -7,3%
Hautes-Pyrénées 20,4%
Pyrénées-Orientales -5,8%
Bas-Rhin -2,1%
Haut-Rhin -24,0%
Rhône 18,8%
Haute-Saône 32,9%
Saône-et-Loire 10,6%
Sarthe 5,9%
Savoie 8,4%
Haute-Savoie 23,5%
Paris 28,8%
Seine-Maritime 14,4%
Seine-et-Marne 59,6%
Yvelines 34,0%
Deux-Sèvres 2,7%
Somme -5,3%
Tarn -7,8%
Tarn-et-Garonne 8,8%
Var 8,4%
Vaucluse 3,1%
Vendée -2,5%
Vienne -16,0%
Haute-Vienne 2,6%
Vosges -0,8%
Yonne 12,0%
Territoire de Belfort 1,6%
Essonne 68,7%
Hauts-de-Seine 60,2%
Seine-Saint-Denis 44,4%
Val-de-Marne 64,9%
Val-d'Oise 47,6%
Guadeloupe 2,4%
Martinique -0,4%
Guyane -45,3%
Réunion -13,2%
Mayotte 10,8%
  • Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 1 and 15 April 2020 decreased by 24% compared to the one recorded between 16 and 31 March 2020.
  • Coverage : France, broken down by department
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Evolution of total deaths from 1 to 15 April 2020 compared to total deaths from 16 to 31 March 2020 by department

  • Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 1 and 15 April 2020 decreased by 24% compared to the one recorded between 16 and 31 March 2020.
  • Coverage : France, broken down by department
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Evolution of total deaths from 16 to 31 March 2020 compared to total deaths from 1 to 15 March 2020 by department

Evolution of total deaths from 16 to 31 March 2020 compared to total deaths from 1 to 15 March 2020 by department - Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 16 and 31 March 2020 increased by 144.4% compared to the one recorded between 1 and 15 March 2020.
Département Evolution rate
Ain 16,5%
Aisne 25,2%
Allier -8,7%
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence -12,7%
Hautes-Alpes 26,8%
Alpes-Maritimes 10,9%
Ardèche 30,2%
Ardennes -10,1%
Ariège -9,0%
Aube 25,5%
Aude 5,0%
Aveyron 12,0%
Bouches-du-Rhône 5,4%
Calvados -3,8%
Cantal 3,5%
Charente 5,2%
Charente-Maritime -6,3%
Cher 4,0%
Corrèze 28,7%
Côte-d'Or 42,6%
Côtes-d'Armor 7,8%
Creuse 0,4%
Dordogne 1,1%
Doubs 47,1%
Drôme 25,4%
Eure 7,1%
Eure-et-Loir 0,9%
Finistère 1,3%
Corse-du-Sud -17,2%
Haute-Corse -11,2%
Gard 19,5%
Haute-Garonne -10,0%
Gers 21,8%
Gironde 2,2%
Hérault 15,6%
Ille-et-Vilaine -1,8%
Indre 35,7%
Indre-et-Loire 11,7%
Isère 1,6%
Jura 17,6%
Landes -10,3%
Loir-et-Cher 18,9%
Loire 30,5%
Haute-Loire -1,4%
Loire-Atlantique 13,2%
Loiret 8,6%
Lot 12,5%
Lot-et-Garonne -9,6%
Lozère 36,1%
Maine-et-Loire -1,2%
Manche -0,8%
Marne 63,4%
Haute-Marne 87,5%
Mayenne 8,3%
Meurthe-et-Moselle 28,8%
Meuse 90,0%
Morbihan 3,8%
Moselle 84,6%
Nièvre 2,5%
Nord 9,5%
Oise 35,6%
Orne -2,2%
Pas-de-Calais 14,4%
Puy-de-Dôme 0,4%
Pyrénées-Atlantiques 7,2%
Hautes-Pyrénées 2,3%
Pyrénées-Orientales 5,8%
Bas-Rhin 60,9%
Haut-Rhin 144,4%
Rhône 39,8%
Haute-Saône 19,6%
Saône-et-Loire 19,1%
Sarthe 5,6%
Savoie -6,3%
Haute-Savoie 9,8%
Paris 80,7%
Seine-Maritime 14,2%
Seine-et-Marne 63,9%
Yvelines 79,9%
Deux-Sèvres -7,2%
Somme 30,4%
Tarn 38,6%
Tarn-et-Garonne -6,3%
Var 5,2%
Vaucluse -11,5%
Vendée 13,1%
Vienne 10,8%
Haute-Vienne 9,8%
Vosges 61,9%
Yonne 21,3%
Territoire de Belfort 87,5%
Essonne 78,4%
Hauts-de-Seine 100,7%
Seine-Saint-Denis 148,5%
Val-de-Marne 88,0%
Val-d'Oise 92,2%
Guadeloupe -8,1%
Martinique 7,4%
Guyane -6,3%
Réunion -0,5%
Mayotte 22,6%
  • Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 16 and 31 March 2020 increased by 144.4% compared to the one recorded between 1 and 15 March 2020.
  • Coverage : France, broken down by department
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Evolution of total deaths from 16 to 31 March 2020 compared to total deaths from 1 to 15 March 2020 by department

  • Reading Note : In Haut-Rhin, the average number of daily deaths between 16 and 31 March 2020 increased by 144.4% compared to the one recorded between 1 and 15 March 2020.
  • Coverage : France, broken down by department
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Broken down by sex and age

There was a 25% rise in mortality observed in France between 1 March and 30 April 2020 compared with 2019, with a slight difference between women (+25%) and men (+26%). There was a slightly more marked increase in mortality for men in the two regions most affected by Covid-19, Île-de-France (respectively +86% for women and +92% for men) and the Grand Est (+52% compared with +57%). The same is true in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (+24% compared with +27%), but not in Hauts-de-France (+27% for women and +26% for men). In contrast, there is a much more marked increase in mortality among men in Mayotte (+13% for women and +35% for men) and in Corsica, where mortality falls by 2% for women and rises by 9% for men.

At departmental level, among the 15 departments that recorded the highest increases in mortality since 1 March (over 50%), 11 have a higher excess male mortality (particularly Val-de-Marne, Moselle, Oise and Seine-Saint-Denis), while four, in contrast, register a lower increase in deaths for men than for women (this is the case in Bas-Rhin, Doubs, Haut-Rhin and Yvelines).

Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 15 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 15 April 2019

in %
Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 15 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 15 April 2019 (in %)
Age Women Men
0-24 y/o -8,2 -18,7
25-49 y/o -2,0 0,0
50-64 ans y/o 13,1 11,6
65-74 y/o 18,4 23,4
75-84 y/o 25,7 32,2
85 y/o and more 28,6 34,4
Total 24,9 26,3
  • Note: all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Coverage: France
  • Source : Insee, civil register

Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 15 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 15 April 2019

  • Note: all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Coverage: France
  • Source : Insee, civil register

For those aged under 50, the number of deaths recorded over the period from 1 March to 30 April 2020 has decreased compared with the same period in 2019. This decrease is 15% for those aged under 25 and is greater among young men (-19% compared with -8% for young women), which is probably due to lockdown measures that may have an impact on other causes of death, particularly accidents. This drop in mortality among the youngest people is also seen in some regions heavily affected by the Covid-19 epidemic (-12% in Grand Est, but only -1% in Île-de-France and youth mortality is stable in Hauts-de-France).

The fall in mortality is 1% among those aged 25 to 49. Beyond that age, the number of deaths increases more quickly between 2019 and 2020 as age rises: +12% for those aged 50 to 64, +22% for those aged 65 to 74, +29% for those aged 75 to 84 and +31% for those aged over 85. It even doubles among those aged over 85 in Île-de-France.

Broken down by place of death

Of the deaths recorded between 1 March and 30 April 2020 in France, around 63,600 occurred in a hospital or clinic (49% of deaths recorded), 31,600 occurred at home (24%), 19,500 in a retirement home (15%) and 14,300 elsewhere or in an unknown location (11%). The information concerning place of death that is submitted by the town halls is declarative in nature and its quality depends on how much the person declaring the death knows about the circumstances of that death and their ability, together with that of the registrar, to select the appropriate cause of death (see methodological note). This distribution of deaths by place of occurrence is similar to that observed in 2019, with a slightly lower number occurring in hospitals or clinics (49% compared with 53% in 2019) and a slightly higher number in retirement homes (15% compared with 12% in 2019).

The deaths that occurred in retirement homes over this period increased very sharply from 2019 to 2020, more than deaths in any other place: +54% from 1 March to 30 April 2020 compared with the same dates in 2019, in comparison with 31% at home and 17% in hospitals or clinics.

These deaths account for almost 8 in 10 cases among people aged 85 and above and almost two thirds of cases in women. These proportions were similar in 2019. However, the very sharp increase in mortality in retirement homes over this period was more prevalent among men (+68%) than women (+47%) and among those aged 65 to 74 (+66%) or 75 to 84 (+64%) than those aged 85 and over (+52%).

The number of deaths reported as having occurred in retirement homes, which was around 210 per day over the first half of March 2020, increased very sharply in the second half of March, until 7 April. The number of daily deaths thus reached 460 during the first half of April but dropped to an average of 280 deaths per day in the second half of April.

The number of deaths in retirement homes thus multiplied by just over three in Île-de-France and by two in Grand Est over the entire period.

The number of deaths that occurred at home between 1 March and 30 April increased by 31% from 2019 to 2020. These deaths were equally prevalent among women than men, and 20% of cases were people aged 75 to 84 and 50% were those aged 85 and over. The increase was the highest for the oldest people (85 and over): +39% compared with +31% on average. At home, the increase in mortality was also slightly more prevalent among women (+34%) than men (+29%).

The number of deaths reported as having occurred at home, which was around 430 per day over the first half of March 2020, increased sharply until 5 April. The number of daily deaths reached 620 during the first half of April but dropped to an average of 470 deaths per day in the second half of April.

The rise in mortality at home over this period was more rapid than the overall rise in deaths in all regions, except in Grand Est (+49% at home compared with +54% on average) and Hauts-de-France (+25% compared with +27% on average). It was notable in Île-de-France (+98% compared with +89% on average).

Deaths that occurred in hospitals or clinics between 1 March and 30 April 2020 increased by +17% between 2019 and 2020. This rise is most pronounced among men (+22% compared with +13% for women) and the oldest members of society. Of those who died in hospitals between 1 March and 30 April 2020, 55% were men (compared with 53% in 2019), 44% were aged 65 to 84 (compared with 42% in 2019) and 42% were aged 85 and above (as in 2019).

The number of deaths reported as having occurred in a healthcare facility, which was around 940 per day over the first half of March 2020, increased sharply until late March. The number of daily deaths reached 1,190 during the first half of April but dropped to an average of 920 deaths per day in the second half of April.

The increase in the number of deaths that occurred in hospitals or clinics is generally lower than the average rise, except in two regions: Corsica and Mayotte.

Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019, by place of death

en %
Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019, by place of death (en %)
Place Evolution rate
Hospital, clinic 16,8
Retirement home 53,6
Home 30,8
Other 25,3
Total 26,3
  • Note: all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Note: the category "Other" includes death on the public thoroughfare, in another place, but also the absence of information about the place of death.
  • Coverage : France
  • Source: Insee, civil register

Evolution of cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2020 compared to cumulated deaths from 1 March to 30 April 2019, by place of death

  • Note: all deaths reported to INSEE electronically or on paper by town/city councils.
  • Note: the category "Other" includes death on the public thoroughfare, in another place, but also the absence of information about the place of death.
  • Coverage : France
  • Source: Insee, civil register