Insee FocusIndustrial Energy Consumption Remained Stable in 2018, while Costs Continued to Rise

Soline Rousseau (division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales - Insee)

In 2018, gross energy consumption in industry remained stable at 37.4 million tonnes of oil equivalent. On the other hand, after a 2% rise in 2017, total energy costs for industrial businesses were up 9% in current euros, reaching 14.5 billion euros. The continued rise was mainly due to an increase in the prices of petroleum products (+20%), steam (+12%) and gas (+10%). Gas and electricity remained the most consumed energy sources.

Insee Focus
No 179
Paru le :Paru le21/01/2020
Soline Rousseau (division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales - Insee)
Insee Focus No 179- January 2020