Insee FocusFrance, Europe's Second-Largest Producer of Bricks and Tiles

Carole Fossey, Arnaud Massieu, (service de statistiques nationales d’entreprises, Insee)

In 2018, France’s total output of bricks, tiles and earthenware construction products totals €899 million. More than half of all jobs are concentrated in three regions – Occitanie, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. France accounts for 15% of all European Union production. It is in second place, behind Germany and ahead of the United Kingdom, thanks to strong tile production. The weighting of these products limits imports and exports, which are mainly performed with neighbouring countries.

Insee Focus
No 178
Paru le :Paru le16/01/2020
Carole Fossey, Arnaud Massieu, (service de statistiques nationales d’entreprises, Insee)
Insee Focus No 178- January 2020