Insee Focus83% of the Total Turnover Outside France is Concentrated within 160 French Multinational Entreprise Groups

Nicolas Dauré (pôle Liaisons financières - Insee)

In 2017, the 4900 French multinational entreprise groups (excluding the banking and non-commercial services sectors) control 43,600 foreign affiliates. They achieve 51% of their consolidated turnover and employ 6 million people outside France. The large multinational entreprise groups are dominant: they comprise 46% of the subsidiaries and achieve 83% of the total consolidated turnover achieved outside France. Half of these multinationals are established in at least 14 foreign countries. One French subsidiary in four is established in the United States, the United Kingdom or Germany. The employees of the commercial subsidiaries are concentrated in China and Brazil.

Insee Focus
No 174
Paru le :Paru le13/12/2019
Nicolas Dauré (pôle Liaisons financières - Insee)
Insee Focus No 174- December 2019