Insee PremièreNational economic wealth in 2018 Net wealth of households slows due to the decrease in share prices

Valentin Guilloton (division Synthèse générale des comptes, Insee), Jonathan Migeon (direction générale des Statistiques, des études et de l’international, Banque de France)

At the end of 2018, net national economic wealth amounted to 15,482 billion euros, or 8,0 times the net domestic product for the year. Pulled by the non financial wealth, and in particular by built lands, it continued to grow, but at a slower pace than the previous year (+3,5% after +4,6%).

Net wealth of households amounted to 11,735 billion euros. It increased significantly slower than the previous year (+1,6% after +4,7%), essentially due to the transient decrease in share prices at the end of 2018. For the same reason, the capital equity value of non-financial corporations remained stable (+0,3%) and amounted to 9,945 billion euros. Net wealth of financial companies grew and amounted to 722 billion euros, due to the rise of the financial wealth. Finally, the net wealth of public administration increased (+7,6%) and amounted to 303 billion euros at the end of 2018, after 282 billion at the end of 2017.

Insee Première
No 1787
Paru le :Paru le09/01/2020
Valentin Guilloton (division Synthèse générale des comptes, Insee), Jonathan Migeon (direction générale des Statistiques, des études et de l’international, Banque de France)
Insee Première No 1787- January 2020