Insee PremièreWages in the public hospital service In 2017, average net wage increased by 0.3% in real terms

Emmanuel Berger, Julie Goussen (division Salaires et revenus d’activité, Insee),
Céline Dennevault, Christophe Dixte (bureau des Professions de santé, Drees)

In 2017, an employee in the hospital public service received an average net monthly wage of €2,288 per full-time equivalent; this average includes all public employees in hospitals and medical-social institutions, whether they were civil servants, contract workers or medical staff.

Between 2016 and 2017, the average net wage rose by 0.3% in real terms.

In 2017, wage disparities in the hospital public service were almost flat, although wages at the top of the scale decreased slightly. Women's net wages were 20.5% lower than men’s. With identical characteristics, the gap was 3.5%.

For employees present throughout both years 2016 and 2017 with the same employer and the same work quota, i.e. two thirds of employees in the hospital public service, the average net wage increased by 1.3% in real terms. This includes career advancements and seniority gains of these employees.

Insee Première
No 1778
Paru le :Paru le24/10/2019
Emmanuel Berger, Julie Goussen (division Salaires et revenus d’activité, Insee),
Céline Dennevault, Christophe Dixte (bureau des Professions de santé, Drees)
Insee Première No 1778- October 2019