Informations rapides
14 November 2019
2019- n° 292
The unemployment rate increased by 0.1 points in Q3 2019 ILO Unemployment and Labour Market-related indicators (Labour Force Survey results) - third quarter 2019

The ILO unemployment rate slightly increased by 0.1 points on average in Q3 2019, after a 0.2 points fall in the second quarter. It stood at 8.6% of the labour force in France (excluding Mayotte), 0.5 points below its Q3 2018 level. In metropolitan France, it stood at 8.3 %.

Informations rapides
No 292
Paru le :Paru le14/11/2019
Prochaine parution le : 16/05/2025 at 07:30 - first quarter 2025

For the first time this quarter, all the French Labour Force Survey indicators are published over the France (excluding Mayotte) scope. Before, only unemployment indicators were measured over this scope. The other indicators were estimated over the metropolitan France scope only. This extension of scope required retropolation of all the indicators series (for more information, see the dedicated documentation note).

The unemployment rate in France stood at 8.6% of active population in Q3 2019, a 0.5 points year-on-year decrease

The ILO unemployment rate slightly increased by 0.1 points on average in Q3 2019, after a 0.2 points fall in the second quarter. It stood at 8.6% of the labour force in France (excluding Mayotte), 0.5 points below its Q3 2018 level. In metropolitan France, it stood at 8.3 %.

In France excluding Mayotte, the number of unemployed increased by 10,000 over a quarter to 2.5 million people. The unemployment rate decreased among youths (-0.2 points), especially young men (–0.4 points). It was stable among persons aged 25 to 49 and virtually stable among those aged 50 and over (+0.1 points). It was virtually stable among women while it increased among men (+0.3 points) within this age group.

Over a year, the decline in the unemployment rate was pronounced among youths (–2.3 points), especially young men (–2.9 points).

Long-term unemployment decreased by 0.3 points over a year

Among the unemployed, 1,0 million declared that they had been seeking a job for at least one year. The long-term unemployment rate stood at 3.4% of the labour force in Q3 2019. Itwas stable over a quarter but 0.3 points below its Q3 2018 level .

ILO-unemployment rate

ILO-unemployment rate
France (excl. Mayotte) Metropolitan France
2003-Q1 8.4 8.0
2003-Q2 8.5 8.1
2003-Q3 8.4 8.0
2003-Q4 8.8 8.4
2004-Q1 9.0 8.6
2004-Q2 8.8 8.4
2004-Q3 8.9 8.5
2004-Q4 8.9 8.5
2005-Q1 8.6 8.3
2005-Q2 8.8 8.4
2005-Q3 9.0 8.6
2005-Q4 9.0 8.7
2006-Q1 9.1 8.7
2006-Q2 9.0 8.6
2006-Q3 8.9 8.5
2006-Q4 8.4 8.0
2007-Q1 8.5 8.1
2007-Q2 8.1 7.8
2007-Q3 8.0 7.6
2007-Q4 7.5 7.1
2008-Q1 7.2 6.8
2008-Q2 7.3 7.0
2008-Q3 7.4 7.1
2008-Q4 7.7 7.4
2009-Q1 8.6 8.2
2009-Q2 9.2 8.8
2009-Q3 9.2 8.8
2009-Q4 9.5 9.1
2010-Q1 9.4 9.0
2010-Q2 9.3 8.9
2010-Q3 9.2 8.8
2010-Q4 9.2 8.8
2011-Q1 9.1 8.8
2011-Q2 9.1 8.7
2011-Q3 9.2 8.8
2011-Q4 9.4 9.0
2012-Q1 9.5 9.1
2012-Q2 9.7 9.3
2012-Q3 9.8 9.4
2012-Q4 10.1 9.7
2013-Q1 10.3 9.9
2013-Q2 10.5 10.1
2013-Q3 10.3 9.9
2013-Q4 10.1 9.8
2014-Q1 10.1 9.8
2014-Q2 10.2 9.8
2014-Q3 10.3 9.9
2014-Q4 10.4 10.1
2015-Q1 10.3 10.0
2015-Q2 10.5 10.2
2015-Q3 10.4 10.1
2015-Q4 10.2 9.9
2016-Q1 10.2 9.9
2016-Q2 10.0 9.7
2016-Q3 9.9 9.6
2016-Q4 10.0 9.7
2017-Q1 9.6 9.3
2017-Q2 9.5 9.2
2017-Q3 9.6 9.3
2017-Q4 8.9 8.6
2018-Q1 9.2 8.9
2018-Q2 9.1 8.8
2018-Q3 9.1 8.8
2018-Q4 8.8 8.4
2019-Q1 8.7 8.4
2019-Q2 8.5 8.2
2019-Q3 8.6 8.3
  • Estimation within +/-0.3 point of the level of unemployment rate and of its quarterly variations.

ILO-unemployment rate

  • Estimation within +/-0.3 point of the level of unemployment rate and of its quarterly variations.
  • Scope: population of people living in households, people aged 15 years or more.
  • Source: INSEE, Labour Force Survey.

ILO-unemployment rate

Seasonally adjusted, average over quarter
ILO-unemployment rate (Seasonally adjusted, average over quarter)
ILO-unemployment rate (%) Variation in points over Thousands
2019Q2 2019Q3 quarter year 2019Q3
Unemployed persons 8.5 8.6 0.1 -0.5 2,528
  15-24 years 19.3 19.1 -0.2 -2.3 539
  25-49 years 7.9 7.9 0.0 -0.6 1,413
  50 years and more 6.3 6.4 0.1 0.1 576
Men 8.5 8.6 0.1 -0.6 1,315
  15-24 years 20.7 20.3 -0.4 -2.9 308
  25-49 years 7.6 7.7 0.1 -0.4 708
  50 years and more 6.3 6.6 0.3 0.2 299
Women 8.5 8.5 0.0 -0.5 1,213
  15-24 years 17.7 17.8 0.1 -1.3 231
  25-49 years 8.2 8.2 0.0 -0.7 705
  50 years and more 6.3 6.3 0.0 0.1 277
Long-term unemployed persons 3.4 3.4 0.0 -0.3 1,005
  • Scope : population of people living in households, people aged 15 years or more in France excluding Mayotte
  • Source: INSEE, Labour Force Survey

The halo of unemployment increased again this quarter

Among inactive people as defined by the ILO, 1.6 million persons wished to work without being considered as unemployed according to the ILO definition: they made up the halo of unemployment. Their number increased by 27,000 over a quarter and returned to the level reached at the end of 2018.

People in the halo of unemployment

People in the halo of unemployment
People in the halo of unemployment
2003-Q1 1274
2003-Q2 1222
2003-Q3 1308
2003-Q4 1308
2004-Q1 1328
2004-Q2 1345
2004-Q3 1348
2004-Q4 1315
2005-Q1 1295
2005-Q2 1299
2005-Q3 1267
2005-Q4 1270
2006-Q1 1303
2006-Q2 1308
2006-Q3 1288
2006-Q4 1353
2007-Q1 1285
2007-Q2 1305
2007-Q3 1223
2007-Q4 1233
2008-Q1 1261
2008-Q2 1224
2008-Q3 1259
2008-Q4 1241
2009-Q1 1286
2009-Q2 1311
2009-Q3 1341
2009-Q4 1370
2010-Q1 1335
2010-Q2 1364
2010-Q3 1346
2010-Q4 1330
2011-Q1 1390
2011-Q2 1409
2011-Q3 1420
2011-Q4 1419
2012-Q1 1407
2012-Q2 1377
2012-Q3 1429
2012-Q4 1407
2013-Q1 1376
2013-Q2 1389
2013-Q3 1428
2013-Q4 1452
2014-Q1 1497
2014-Q2 1458
2014-Q3 1538
2014-Q4 1532
2015-Q1 1600
2015-Q2 1560
2015-Q3 1532
2015-Q4 1538
2016-Q1 1572
2016-Q2 1616
2016-Q3 1613
2016-Q4 1601
2017-Q1 1637
2017-Q2 1620
2017-Q3 1554
2017-Q4 1622
2018-Q1 1633
2018-Q2 1606
2018-Q3 1607
2018-Q4 1640
2019-Q1 1550
2019-Q2 1610
2019-Q3 1637

People in the halo of unemployment

  • Scope: population of people living in households in France excluding Mayotte, people aged 15 years or over.
  • Source: INSEE, Labour Force Survey.

The employment rate decreased in Q3 2019

The employment rate of the population aged 15-64 years fell by 0.3 points in Q3 2019, at 65.2%. Over the quarter, the employment rate among persons aged 15 to 24 was virtually stable (–0.1 points) while it decreased among those aged 50 to 64 (–0.3 points) and middle-aged people (–0.4 points).

Over a year, the employment rate for people aged 15 to 64 fell by 0,2 points. The decline was particularly significant for youths (–0.4 points) whereas the employment rate was stable for persons aged 25 to 49 and virtually stable for those aged 50 to 64 (–0.1 points). The unemployment rate markedly increased among people aged 55 to 64 (+0.4 points).

Permanent employment rate for people aged 15 to 64 stood at 49.0% in Q3 2019. It diminished by 0.2 points over a quarter and a year. Fixed-term and temporary employment rate was stable compared to Q2 2019 and decreased by 0.2 points over a year. It stood at 7.5%, 0.6 points below its highest level reached at the end of 2017.

ILO employment rate in the population aged 15-64 years

Seasonally adjusted, average over quarter
ILO employment rate in the population aged 15-64 years (Seasonally adjusted, average over quarter)
% of people in the age group Variation in over
2019Q2 2019Q3 quarter year
Employed people 65.5 65.2 -0.3 -0.2
by sex
Men 68.7 68.4 -0.3 -0.5
Women 62.4 62,0 -0.4 -0.1
by age
15-24 years 29.7 29.6 -0.1 -0.4
25-49 years 80.9 80.5 -0.4 0,0
50-64 years 62.4 62.1 -0.3 -0.1
Included : 55-64 years 52.7 52.7 0,0 0.4
by type of employment contract
Permanent employment 49.2 49.0 -0.2 -0.2
Fixed-term and temporary employment 7.5 7.5 0,0 -0.2
Other types of employment 8.7 8.7 0,0 0.2
by contractual working time
Full-time employment 54.2 53.8 -0.4 0.1
Part-time employment 11.3 11.3 0.0 -0.4
Full-time equivalent employment rate 60.9 60.6 -0.3 -0.1
  • Scope: population of people living in households in France excluding Mayotte, people aged 15-64 years
  • Source: INSEE, Labour Force Survey

Full-time employment rate declined, part-time employment rate stagnated

Full-time employment rate stood at 53.8% in Q3 2019. It decreased by 0.4 points compared to the previous quarter. It almost returned to the level reached in Q3 2018 (+0.1 points). Part-time employment rate was stable over a quarter to 11.3 %, 0.4 points below its Q3 2018 level.

Part-time employment rate by sex

Part-time employment rate by sex
Women (left scale) Men (right scale)
2003-Q1 17.2 3.9
2003-Q2 17.2 3.8
2003-Q3 17.3 3.9
2003-Q4 17.3 3.8
2004-Q1 17.3 3.7
2004-Q2 17.5 3.7
2004-Q3 17.6 3.7
2004-Q4 17.5 3.8
2005-Q1 17.7 4.0
2005-Q2 17.6 3.9
2005-Q3 17.5 3.9
2005-Q4 17.3 4.0
2006-Q1 17.3 4.0
2006-Q2 17.4 4.0
2006-Q3 17.6 3.9
2006-Q4 17.9 3.9
2007-Q1 17.9 3.9
2007-Q2 17.9 3.9
2007-Q3 17.9 3.9
2007-Q4 18.0 4.0
2008-Q1 17.9 4.0
2008-Q2 17.6 4.0
2008-Q3 17.5 3.9
2008-Q4 17.5 3.9
2009-Q1 17.4 3.9
2009-Q2 17.6 4.1
2009-Q3 17.8 4.0
2009-Q4 18.1 4.2
2010-Q1 17.9 4.3
2010-Q2 17.9 4.3
2010-Q3 17.8 4.6
2010-Q4 17.5 4.6
2011-Q1 17.5 4.5
2011-Q2 17.7 4.6
2011-Q3 17.6 4.5
2011-Q4 18.1 4.4
2012-Q1 17.9 4.5
2012-Q2 17.9 4.4
2012-Q3 17.8 4.4
2012-Q4 17.8 4.5
2013-Q1 17.9 4.5
2013-Q2 18.0 4.6
2013-Q3 18.4 4.8
2013-Q4 18.6 4.7
2014-Q1 18.7 4.8
2014-Q2 18.5 5.0
2014-Q3 18.1 5.1
2014-Q4 18.4 5.0
2015-Q1 18.1 5.0
2015-Q2 18.2 5.0
2015-Q3 18.3 4.9
2015-Q4 18.2 5.1
2016-Q1 18.3 5.2
2016-Q2 18.3 5.0
2016-Q3 18.0 5.1
2016-Q4 18.0 5.1
2017-Q1 18.0 5.1
2017-Q2 18.5 5.2
2017-Q3 18.1 5.4
2017-Q4 17.9 5.3
2018-Q1 18.0 5.3
2018-Q2 18.0 5.6
2018-Q3 17.8 5.3
2018-Q4 17.7 5.3
2019-Q1 17.6 5.3
2019-Q2 17.3 5.1
2019-Q3 17.3 5.1

Part-time employment rate by sex

  • Scope: population of people living in households in France excludint Mayotte, people aged 15-64 years.
  • Source: INSEE, Labour Force Survey.

Over a year, underemployment declined sharply

In Q3 2019, 5.4% of the employed persons were underemployed. It mainly concerns people having a part-time job and wishing to work more. This share was virtually stable (+0.1 points) over a quarter but was 0.3 points below its level a year earlier.

The activity rate weakened in Q3 2019

The activity rate of people aged 15-64 decreased by 0.3 points over a quarter and by 0.7 points over a year, to 71.3%. Quarter on quarter, it decreased among youths (−0.2 points) and middle-aged persons (−0.4 points), while being virtually stable among persons aged 50 to 64 (–0.1 points). The activity rate among those aged 55 to 64 was stable over a quarter but advanced over a year (+0.5 points).

ILO activity rate in the population aged 15-64 years

Seasonally adjusted, average over quarter
ILO activity rate in the population aged 15-64 years (Seasonally adjusted, average over quarter)
% of people in the age group Variation in points over
2019Q2 2019Q3 quarter year
Active people 71.6 71.3 -0.3 -0.7
by sex
Men 75.2 75.0 -0.2 -0.9
Women 68.2 67.8 -0.4 -0.5
by age
15-24 years 36.8 36.6 -0.2 -1.5
25-49 years 87.8 87.4 -0.4 -0.6
50-64 years 66.7 66.6 -0.1 0.0
Included : 55-64 years 56.6 56.6 0.0 0.5
  • Scope: population of people living in households in France excluding Mayotte, people aged 15-64 years
  • Source: INSEE, Labour Force Survey


Compared to the provisional estimate published on 14 August 2019, ILO unemployment rate in Q2 2019 has been unchanged, at 8.5 %. The new calculation method based on the direct use of overseas departments data (see documentation) leads to one-time revisions of the unemployment rate limited to +/– 0.1 pointsfor the historical series.

For more information

An unemployed person according to the International Labour Office (ILO) is someone of working age (15 years or more) who did not work, even one hour, during the reference week, is available to work within two weeks and looked actively for a job in the previous month (or has found a job beginning in less than three months).  

Next issue: 13 February 2020 at 07.30 am

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