Insee FocusTourist accommodation rented out by individuals via the internet remains attractive

Marlène Bahu (division Services, Insee)

In 2018, the number of stays in tourist accommodation offered by individuals via internet platforms increased once again (+15%), but at a slower pace than was seen in previous years (+19% in 2017 and +25% in 2016). This slowdown involves domestic clientele; however, the number of stays by international clientele continues to increase as before. Tourists stayed a total of 36 million nights in such accommodation, 17% of which were spent in the Île-de-France. In 2018, accommodation offered by individuals represented 14% of total stays by tourists, including accommodation offered by professionals (hotels, campsites, tourist residences, etc.) compared with 13% in 2017.

Insee Focus
No 158
Paru le :Paru le18/06/2019
Marlène Bahu (division Services, Insee)
Insee Focus No 158- June 2019