Insee PremièreNational economic wealth in 2017 Dynamic growth pulled by property prices

Valentin Guilloton, division Synthèse générale des comptes, Insee,
Soizic Weber, direction générale des Statistiques, Banque de France

At the end of 2017, net national economic wealth amounted to 14,762 billion euros, or 7.9 times the net domestic product for the year. After having markedly increased in 2016 (+2.7% in constant euros), it grew by 3.7% in 2017, pulled by the rise in share prices and the prices of building and land.

Net wealth of households grew (+3.8%), essentially due to the increase in property prices. Furthermore, the capital equity value of non-financial corporations continues to grow at a fast pace (+10.2% after +5.8% in 2016). As in previous years, this is explained by the rise in share prices during 2017. The capital equity of financial companies also grew, but less strongly than that of non-financial corporations.

Finally, the wealth of public authorities raised in 2017 after having decreased during six years. It amounted to 190 billion euros in 2017, compared to 124 billion euros in 2016. This increase principally resulted from price variations as for instance variations of the valuation of public companies.

Insee Première
No 1731
Paru le :Paru le17/01/2019
Valentin Guilloton, division Synthèse générale des comptes, Insee,
Soizic Weber, direction générale des Statistiques, Banque de France
Insee Première No 1731- January 2019