Insee FocusLife expectancy gains are concentrated in the older age groups

Sylvain Papon (division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee)

In 2017, life expectancy at birth is 85.3 years for females and 79.5 years for males. It has risen sharply since 1947, but the increase has slowed in recent years. On the other hand, life expectancy at older ages, not very dynamic before 1980, has been strongly increasing since then.

The decline in infant mortality has played an important role in increasing life expectancy: between 1947 and 1997, one-third of the gains in life expectancy at birth is due to this decline. Infant mortality is now very low and no longer has any impact on life expectancy gains.

Between 1997 and 2017, the decline in mortality after 70 years of age drives life expectancy gains, especially for females: two-thirds of the increase in their life expectancy is due to it.

Insee Focus
No 157
Paru le :Paru le12/06/2019
Sylvain Papon (division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee)
Insee Focus No 157- June 2019