Insee PremièreYoung adults: tensions with parents are often related to young people's financial difficulties

Sébastien Grobon, Christelle Thouilleux, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee

Six out of ten young people aged 18 to 24 say they have no problems in their relationships with their parents. However, when tensions arise, they are often associated with family of financial difficulties. Thus, they are greater when the parents are separated, particularly with the father. They are also more frequent for unemployed young people. Similarly, young adults having difficult relationships with their parents more frequently have financial difficulties, and students get less financial help from their parents when relationships are strained. Finally, young people having disagreements with their parents generally say they are less satisfied with life; the link between these tensions and their well-being is comparable to that with other measures of well-being, such as poor health, unemployment or financial difficulties.

Insee Première
No 1726
Paru le :Paru le20/12/2018
Sébastien Grobon, Christelle Thouilleux, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1726- December 2018