Insee FocusMore people live in a median household in the western regions

Marina Robin, département de l’Action régionale, Insee

In 2015, in France, 11.6 million people, or 18.1% of the population, lived in a household whose standard of living is close to the median French standard of living. In the Pays de la Loire, this percentage is 22.6%. On the other hand, this percentage is the lowest in the French overseas departments and Île-de-France, as well as in the border areas of north-eastern France. Median households are more prevalent in the suburbs of cities. The weight of median households' labour force income is the highest in La Reunion and Île-de-France: more than 80.0% compared with 71.5% for all French median households.

Insee Focus
No 148
Paru le :Paru le06/03/2019
Marina Robin, département de l’Action régionale, Insee
Insee Focus No 148- March 2019