Insee FocusLife satisfaction score is not really linked to the kind of area where people live

François Gleizes, Sébastien Grobon, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee

In mainland France in 2017, people aged 16 or more assigned an average satisfaction score of 7.2 out of 10 for the live they are currently leading. This satisfaction level depends on the material conditions under which people live, but also on multiple other factors, such as health, age, family situation or employment for those of working age. However, it is quite uniform across the country: the inhabitants of large urban centres and their commuting zone, those in smaller urban areas and rural areas have similar average levels of satisfaction with their lives.

Insee Focus
No 139
Paru le :Paru le14/01/2019
François Gleizes, Sébastien Grobon, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee
Insee Focus No 139- January 2019