Insee FocusEarly forecast of poverty rate and indicators 2017, poverty rate and inequality would be stable

Kevin Schmitt et Michaël Sicsic, division Études sociales, Insee

According to the early forecasting method based on microsimulation, the poverty rate would be stable in 2017, at 14.0% of the population. In 2017, 8.8 million people would be in monetary poverty. Inequalities in standard of living measured using the decile ratio and (100-S80)/S20 ratio would be stable; those measured by the Gini index would increase very slightly (+0.002), but below the significance threshold. The improvement in the position of the labour market in 2017 compared to 2016 would be offset by a less redistributive effect of social and fiscal transfers, which would explain the stability of the poverty rate and inequalities.

Insee Focus
No 127
Paru le :Paru le09/10/2018
Kevin Schmitt et Michaël Sicsic, division Études sociales, Insee
Insee Focus No 127- October 2018