Insee FocusIn municipalities where service offerings are lowest, building tradespersons and restaurants are the most frequently found

Frédéric Châtel, Pôle Base permanente des équipements, Insee

More than 12,000 municipalities, home to 2.5 million people, offer between one and five types of local services. In these municipalities, craftsmen and restaurants are most frequent, followed by automotive repair services and agricultural equipment. Food shops, such as bakeries or convenience stores, have a significant presence only in municipalities offering at least ten types of local services. Medical services are found in municipalities with an even larger number of facilities. Alongside the municipalities that have at least one local service, 1,888 municipalities do not have any. They are home to 162,000 inhabitants in total.

Insee Focus
No 113
Paru le :Paru le23/05/2018
Frédéric Châtel, Pôle Base permanente des équipements, Insee
Insee Focus No 113- May 2018