Insee FocusDecline in number of voters in 2018

Chantal Villette, Cyril Hervy, département de la démographie, Insee

As of 1 March 2018, according to provisional data, 45.5 million French people were registered on electoral lists in France. During the year, the number of voters decreased on average by 0.7%; only the overseas departments of Mayotte, Guyana and Réunion registered an increase in their electorate.

After the strong voter mobilisation that led to a significant increase in the number of voters in 2016, 2017 thus marked a drop in the number of registered voters. This is similar to that recorded following the 2012 presidential election, but was slightly more prominent in 2017. The number of voters struck from voting lists at the initiative of the municipalities was high, probably reflecting the planned institution of the single electoral directory in 2019.

Insee Focus
No 112
Paru le :Paru le16/05/2018
Chantal Villette, Cyril Hervy, département de la démographie, Insee
Insee Focus No 112- May 2018