Insee Focus1,702 State-controlled companies as at end-2016

Solène Faguet, Marie-Laure Portejoie-Koch, pôle national Liaisons financières, Insee

At the end of 2016, the State directly controlled 85 French companies. Through the latter and their subsidiaries, it controls a total of 1,702 French companies, which employ 778,000 people. Compared to the end of 2015, the number of companies controlled by the State increased by 71 units, while their total workforce decreased by 13,000 people. The dominant business sector remains transport and warehousing, which employ 60% of the employees of State-controlled companies.

Insee Focus
No 111
Paru le :Paru le24/04/2018
Solène Faguet, Marie-Laure Portejoie-Koch, pôle national Liaisons financières, Insee
Insee Focus No 111- April 2018