Insee PremièreThe national accounts in 2017 GDP is gaining pace (+2.2%, following on +1.2%), household purchasing power saw a moderate increase

David Berthier, Étienne Debauche, Pauline Meinzel, département des Comptes nationaux, Insee

In 2017, activity in France sped up markedly: gross domestic product (GDP) in constant euros is up 2.2 %, compared with 1.2% in 2016 and 1.1% in 2015.

Household consumption is slowing down, but investment is speeding up significantly. Exports are gaining more speed than are imports, such that the contribution of external trade to real GDP growth has come back to the slightly positive side. Nonetheless, the external trade deficit is increasing in value due to the rebound in oil prices. Household purchasing power measured in terms of gross disposable income is slowing down, due to the acceleration in price increases. The household savings rate increased slightly, while the profit margin of non-financial companies was stable at 31.9%.

Insee Première
No 1697
Paru le :Paru le30/05/2018
David Berthier, Étienne Debauche, Pauline Meinzel, département des Comptes nationaux, Insee
Insee Première No 1697- May 2018