Insee FocusInvestment in environmental protection continues to decline in 2015

Maud Micollet, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee

In 2015, industrial firms with 20 or more employees allocated €1.6 billion to investment or research into environmental protection, i.e. 1% less than in 2014. 71% of this spending comes from four sectors, whose activities are more likely to impact on the environment: Energy production, metallurgy and metal product manufacturing, and the agri-food and chemical industries. 39% of investments are aimed at improving air quality or limiting greenhouse gas emissions.

Insee Focus
No 94
Paru le :Paru le17/09/2017
Maud Micollet, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee
Insee Focus No 94- September 2017