Insee PremièreBy 2050, the population is expected to rise in every region of metropolitan France

David Desrivierre, direction régionale des Hauts-de-France, Insee

By 2050, the population is expected to rise in every region of France, barring Guadeloupe and Martinique. According to reports, demographic growth continues to be stronger in the western and southern regions of metropolitan France. These regions have a clearly positive migration balance with other areas, both in France and abroad. In all regions, however, the mortality rate among the numerouslarge generations of baby-boomers is gradually increasing, which is reportedly curbing demographic growth and causing the death rate to overtake the birth rate in many regions. Reports also suggest that the population is ageing in all regions: The elderly-to-young ratio is increasing significantly, especially in Martinique and Guadeloupe, but also in Corsica and, to a lesser extent, Brittany and Normandy. This general ageing of the population may be accentuated in some regions by a reduction in the young and working-age populations, especially in Normandy and the Grand Est region.

Insee Première
No 1652
Paru le :Paru le22/06/2017
David Desrivierre, direction régionale des Hauts-de-France, Insee
Insee Première No 1652- June 2017