Insee PremièreCulture: a vital activity

Laurent Bisault, direction régionale d’Occitanie, Insee, Tristan Picard, Deps, ministère de la Culture et de la communication

Paris and Île-de-France occupy a privileged position in terms of employment in cultural activities, especially in audiovisual and multimedia, activities related to heritage, publication of the written word, the visual arts and advertising. In contrast, architecture, cultural education and live entertainment are the lifeblood of the rest of mainland France and the overseas territories. Jobs in culture represent 3% of the economy as a whole. Typically, they often consist of several positions held during the year. It is also common to find employee and self-employed statuses combined.

Insee Première
No 1644
Paru le :Paru le05/04/2017
Laurent Bisault, direction régionale d’Occitanie, Insee, Tristan Picard, Deps, ministère de la Culture et de la communication
Insee Première No 1644- April 2017