Insee FocusSecurity: a booming sector

Catherine Fresson-Martinez, Florian Vucko, division Indicateurs conjoncturels d’activité, Insee

The security sector has grown steadily since the 2000s. The turnover of private security firms stabilised during the 2008-2009 economic crisis, then increased once again. In 2015, given the context of the tragic events of that year, the increase reached 3.5%, which included 3.0% for private security activities and 4.2% for activities related to security systems. The half-yearly pace escalated in 2016 (+3.5% in H1 2016 after +2.7% in H2 2015 and +0.5% in H1).

Insee Focus
No 66
Paru le :Paru le18/10/2016
Catherine Fresson-Martinez, Florian Vucko, division Indicateurs conjoncturels d’activité, Insee
Insee Focus No 66- October 2016