Insee PremièreArrival of jobs and residents – A challenge for territories

Catherine Sourd, direction régionale Occitanie, pôle Études économiques régionales, Insee

In 2013, as in 2008, job arrivals were concentrated in employment zones around the large conurbations, whether these were job creations or transfers. These areas are particularly attractive for qualified workers. Despite economic difficulties, some areas in northern France, at the periphery of the Lille Metropolitan Area, are still benefiting from job arrivals. When they have natural and residential assets, and sufficient facilities, coastal areas and some employment zones far from the large cities are favoured by retired people. However, the Atlantic coast lost a little of its attractiveness between 2008 and 2013. Employment zones close to the large conurbations provide the living environment and housing opportunities that mobile employees and their families are looking for. Conversely, there are around a hundred employment zones that provide fewer opportunities for work and amenities for living. These are often far from the major cities or located in the north-eastern quarter of France.

Insee Première
No 1622
Paru le :Paru le09/11/2016
Catherine Sourd, direction régionale Occitanie, pôle Études économiques régionales, Insee
Insee Première No 1622- November 2016