Insee PremièreAuto-entrepreneurs registering in 2010: three years later, 30% are still active

Damien Richet, pôle Démographie des entreprises et des établissements, Sylvie Rousseau et Henri Mariotte, division Infrastructures et répertoire statistiques, Insee

Three years after their registration, only 30% of auto-entrepreneurs registering in the first half of 2010 were still active under this regime. Of the 62% who actually started an activity, 49% remained in business three years later, far fewer than creators of classical sole proprietorships of the same generation (62%). More auto-entrepreneurs who began a main activity remained in business three years later (52%) than those starting a complementary activity (45%). However, for nearly a third of the former, the main activity at start-up became simply a source of extra income a few years later. As with classical sole proprietors, sustainability largely depended on the business sector. It was highest (71%) in human health-social work. In contrast, it was lowest in specialised scientific and technical activities (45%), trade (46%) and construction (50%), which accounted for more than half of registrations in 2010. Furthermore, sustainability increased dramatically with the age of the auto-entrepreneur, from 40% before the age of 30 to 55% beyond the age of 50.

Insee Première
No 1595
Paru le :Paru le12/05/2016
Damien Richet, pôle Démographie des entreprises et des établissements, Sylvie Rousseau et Henri Mariotte, division Infrastructures et répertoire statistiques, Insee
Insee Première No 1595- May 2016