Insee PremièreDigital security and social media in enterprises in 2015

Elvire Demoly, Thomas Vacher, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee

Among companies with 10 people or more located in France, 27% declared in 2015 that they had a formally defined information and communications technology (ICT) security policy; 32% declared this across Europe. In France as in the European Union (EU-28), three quarters of companies with 250 people or more were in this group. In France, 13% of companies with 10 people or more experienced at least one security incident during the previous year, affecting the integrity, availability or confidentiality of computer systems and data. Companies with 250 people or more were twice as often affected. To secure their computer network, three quarters of companies with 10 people or more used a firewall or remote access protection software. Furthermore, one quarter reported they had an access, correction and deletion of personal data policy. In 2015, 16% of companies with 10 people or more and located in France employed specialised staff in the field of ICT; there were 20% in this situation across Europe. The largest companies did so much more frequently, while the smallest often hired external providers. Between 2013 and 2015, use of social media increased by 11 percentage points in companies with 10 or more and located in France, but this remained lower than in the EU-28 (31% compared to 39%). Moreover, in 2015 as in 2013, two thirds of companies had a website. In 2015, one company in three with 10 to 49 people had neither a website nor a social media account, compared to only one in ten for those with 50 people or more.

Insee Première
No 1594
Paru le :Paru le10/05/2016
Elvire Demoly, Thomas Vacher, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee
Insee Première No 1594- May 2016