Agricultural income in 2011

Marie-Hélène Blonde, Claire Lesdos et Alexandre Bernaudeau

In 2011, in France, as in EU-27, the value of agricultural production is increasing owing mainly to the increase of prices, including animal products and wines. The price of intermediate consumption increased by a little more pronounced. However, the farm incomes continue to rise, after a year 2010 that has been catching up two years of sharp decline. Thus, in France, according to the provisional data the most recent, the agricultural factor income per labour unit increased by +5.1% in real terms after the recovery of 2010 (+ 39.0 % ). Since 2006, it fluctuated sharply. On the last ten years, its overall progression is lower than the average of the European countries. The surplus of foreign trade in food products increased again (+ EUR 3.4 billion), owing to the increase in prices.

Documents de travail
No E2012/04
Paru le :Paru le04/07/2012
Marie-Hélène Blonde, Claire Lesdos et Alexandre Bernaudeau
Documents de travail No E2012/04- July 2012