Services in 2005#Report on the accounts

Sous la direction de Xavier Niel, la division

Whereas the production of the whole economy slowed down in 2005 (+ 1.2 % after + 2.5 % in 2004), the output of market services kept a rate of progression comparable with that of 2004 (+ 2.2 % after + 2.3 %), showing signs of recovery compared to 2003. The growth of service inputs and that of the final household consumption jointly explain the increase in market services in 2005. This is especially the case in services industries depending on ICT (telecommunications and computer services in particular) where the rise in prices remained very weak, in consulting and real estate. On the other hand, household services remained less dynamic (+ 1.2 %), essentially because of the decrease in personal services (hairdressing, beauty care...). Carried by the recovery of tourist activities, hotel trade improved again and travel agencies did still better than in 2004. Recreational activities slowed down but activities related to sport improved and overall recreational, cultural and sporting activities increased by 2.4 %. The growth of temporary employment contributed to the recovery of employment in business services. Creations of jobs in market services reached more than double those of 2004 (74 000 instead of 34 000).

Documents de travail
No E2006/02
Paru le :Paru le28/10/2016
Sous la direction de Xavier Niel, la division
Documents de travail No E2006/02- October 2016