Insee FocusHow businesses intend to use the CICE

Yaëlle Gorin et Catherine Renne, division des enquêtes de conjoncture, Insee

INSEE surveyed firms in industry and the services sector about how they intend to use the Competitiveness and Employment Tax Credit (CICE). In industry, more than one firm in three considers that the CICE will enable it to take on staff. In the services sector, it is one firm in two. They are fewer in number to consider that it will have any effect on an increase in pay or a drop in sale prices. Generally speaking, firms say that they will use the CICE to boost their operating profit. For 58% of firms in industry and 52% of firms in the services sector, the majority of the increase in resources will be devoted to investment.

Insee Focus
No 10
Paru le :Paru le19/09/2014
Yaëlle Gorin et Catherine Renne, division des enquêtes de conjoncture, Insee
Insee Focus No 10- September 2014