Insee Focus2.1 children per woman for generations born between 1947 and 1963

Isabelle Robert-Bobée, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee

With 2.7 children per woman on average, the generation of women born in 1928 was the most fertile in the 20th century. Since then, the average number of children fell before stabilising at around 2.1 children per woman for the 1947 to 1963 generations. At the same time, the age at which they had their children rose: from 26.1 years old for the 1947 generation to 28.3 years for the 1963 generation. The trend is generally the same for men as for women, with a gap between generations of men and generations of women, mainly due to age differences between spouses.

Insee Focus
No 25
Paru le :Paru le07/04/2015
Isabelle Robert-Bobée, division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee
Insee Focus No 25- April 2015