Insee PremièreTrade in 2014 - Activity recovered slowly

Virginie Andrieux, Catherine Bourdeaux, Sonia Le Faucheur, Florent Royer, Rémi Segreto, Benoît Trinquier, division Commerce, Insee

Trade activity was slightly up in 2014. This movement was favoured by the slight increase in corporate investment and by household demand which was a little more dynamic than in previous years. Wholesale and retail trade sales rose in volume (+0.8% in both cases). They nevertheless fell in value in both sectors due to falling prices, a moderate fall for retail trade and a more pronounced one for wholesale trade. In vehicle trade and repair, sales stabilised in volume but rose in value. Salaried employment in the trade sectors continued to contract between end 2013 and end 2014 (-0.5%), as in all the main market sectors.

Insee Première
No 1556
Paru le :Paru le19/06/2015
Virginie Andrieux, Catherine Bourdeaux, Sonia Le Faucheur, Florent Royer, Rémi Segreto, Benoît Trinquier, division Commerce, Insee
Insee Première No 1556- June 2015