Insee FocusIndustrial producer prices in the Eurozone: for the past decade, France and Germany have been progressing at the same rate

Nathalie Guillon, division Indices des prix à la production, Insee

Since 2005, industrial producer prices have been progressing at a broadly similar rate across the Eurozone. Price differences between 2005 and 2015 are identical in France and Germany, +15% compared with a Eurozone average of +17%. Price variation has been more pronounced in Spain and above all in the Netherlands. The highly volatile prices of petroleum products exert a significant influence over all industrial prices, and particularly in the Netherlands, as a result of the importance of the refining industry to the country's economy.

Insee Focus
No 37
Paru le :Paru le08/10/2015
Nathalie Guillon, division Indices des prix à la production, Insee
Insee Focus No 37- October 2015