Insee PremièreSlow emergence of cloud computing in companies in 2014

Thomas Vacher, Elvire Demoly, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee.

In 2014, among companies with at least 10 employees and located in France, 12% bought cloud computing services compared to 19% Europe-wide. The largest companies, those with at least 250 employees, bought the most: 36% of these used it in France, as many as at European level. Messaging and file storage were the most frequently used cloud services. 7.5% of companies with at least 10 employees use the cloud via servers shared between several clients (public cloud), nearly as many (6.5%) via dedicated servers for their enterprise (private cloud) and some use both types of cloud. Companies who purchased cloud services said they limited their use mainly because of high costs (37%), security-related uncertainty (31%) or location of data (31%). In other respects, 7% of companies with at least 10 employees and located in France, compared to 10% on average in the European Union, use radio frequency identification (RFID). RFID is used to store or retrieve data remotely, either to identify individuals or to track products in the production-marketing chain. Since 2011, RFID has become much more widespread in large companies: in 2014, one company in three with at least 250 people used it.

Insee Première
No 1545
Paru le :Paru le21/04/2015
Thomas Vacher, Elvire Demoly, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee.
Insee Première No 1545- April 2015