Insee PremièreWealth inequalities grew between 2004 and 2010

Hélène Chaput, Kim-Hoa Luu Kim, Laurianne Salembier, Julie Solard, division Revenus et patrimoine des ménages, Insee

According to the new Household Wealth survey at the start of 2010, half of households living in France reported having more than 150,200 euros in gross wealth and 93% of assets were within this group. The wealthiest 10% had at least 552,300 euros in gross wealth and possessed nearly half of the total wealth. Finally, among the 1% of richest households in terms of wealth, each person had more than 1.9 million euros of assets. Conversely, the least well-off 10% each had less than 2,700 euros in wealth and collectively less than 0.1% of the overall amount. Between 2004 and 2010, wealth inequalities increased, with the ratio between the average wealth of the 10% wealthiest households and the average wealth of the 50% least well-off widening by nearly 10%.

Insee Première
No 1380
Paru le :Paru le24/11/2011
Hélène Chaput, Kim-Hoa Luu Kim, Laurianne Salembier, Julie Solard, division Revenus et patrimoine des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1380- November 2011