Insee PremièrePrice comparison between the Overseas Departments (DOM) and Metropolitan France in 2010

Jean-Pierre Berthier, Jean-Louis Lhéritier et Gérald Petit, département des Prix à la consommation, des ressources et des conditions de vie des ménages, Insee

In 2010, prices were higher in the overseas departments than in Metropolitan France, by +13% in French Guiana down to +6% in Reunion Island. Price differences were more marked when the consumption basket of Metropolitan France households was taken as a reference. In contrast, an overseas household paying for its consumption at the prices of Metropolitan France would only make limited savings. The price differences are explained in part by the high food prices overseas: seen from Metropolitan France, food prices were 34% to 49% higher overseas, and seen from the overseas departments (DOM), 9% to 22% lower in Metropolitan France compared to overseas departments. From 1985 to 2010, price differences changed little between the territories, except for Reunion Island.

Insee Première
No 1304
Paru le :Paru le08/07/2010
Jean-Pierre Berthier, Jean-Louis Lhéritier et Gérald Petit, département des Prix à la consommation, des ressources et des conditions de vie des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1304- July 2010