Insee PremièreThe earned incomes of independent workers in trade, industry, construction and services in 2007

Magali Flachère, division Salaires et revenus d’activité, Insee

The population of independent workers in trade, industry, construction and services rose by approximately 2% per year between 2002 and 2007, reaching 1.5 million in 2007. Their average earned income was 28,400 euros per year, but for 13% of them it was zero or negative. From 2005 to 2007, the average income grew in constant euros by 1.9% per year. For independent workers, growth in incomes was more dynamic throughout this period (+3.3% per year in constant euros), especially in construction (+4.2%) and services (+3.8%). The change was however slightly negative for pharmacists (-1.8%).

Insee Première
No 1306
Paru le :Paru le16/07/2010
Magali Flachère, division Salaires et revenus d’activité, Insee
Insee Première No 1306- July 2010