Insee PremièreLiving standards in 2008

Philippe Lombardo et Jérôme Pujol division Revenus et patrimoine des ménages, Insee

According to the Taxable and Social Income Survey (Enquête Revenus Fiscaux et Sociaux), the median annual income in metropolitan France (mainland + Corsica) reached €19,000 in 2008, up 1.7% in constant euros on the previous year. The 10% least affluent people had an annual income of under €10,520; the 10% most affluent had an annual income of at least €35,550, or 3.4 times as high. Thirteen percent of French households were living below the poverty line in 2008. The proportion was slightly lower than in 2007, notably because of the postponement from July to December of the means tests performed by the Family-Benefits Fund (CNAF) on recipients. The poverty line, defined as 60% of the median income of the population, stands at €950 a month. Thirty percent of single-parent families live in poverty. These families are those with the lowest median income. One-half of poor people living in a single-parent family have an income of less than €760 a month.

Insee Première
No 1311
Paru le :Paru le28/09/2010
Philippe Lombardo et Jérôme Pujol division Revenus et patrimoine des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1311- September 2010