Insee PremièreStandard of living in 2011

Cédric Houdré, Juliette Ponceau, Marie Zergat Bonnin, division Revenus et patrimoine des ménages, Insee

In 2011, according to the Fiscal and Social Income survey, the median standard of living is €19,550 per annum; this was stable in constant euros in relation to 2010. The poorest 10% have a standard of living of less than €10,530. The wealthiest 10% have at least €37,450, or 3.6 times more. In 2011, the standard of living only increased for the wealthier half of the population. For the other half, the standard of living fell, although less than in the previous two years. The poverty line, which corresponds to 60% of the median standard of living of the population, stood at €977 per month in 2011. Poverty continued to increase, but more moderately than in 2010. It affects 8.7 million people, or 14.3% of the population, against 14.0% in 2010. Poverty increased more among the unemployed and young people of ages 18 to 29. Longer periods of unemployment and less favourable employment terms partly explain that these parts of the population are hardest hit.

Insee Première
No 1464
Paru le :Paru le13/09/2013
Cédric Houdré, Juliette Ponceau, Marie Zergat Bonnin, division Revenus et patrimoine des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1464- September 2013