Insee PremièreSnapshot of the labour market in 2012

Fabien Guggemos et Joëlle Vidalenc, division Emploi, Insee

In 2012, 25.8 million people had a job, and 2.8 million were unemployed within the meaning of the ILO. Out of ten working people there was one self-employed person, five blue-collar or white-collar workers, and four managers or intermediate professions. 5.3% of people with a job were under-employed. This situation was most common among young people, workers, and women. After rising between 2008 and 2010, then falling slightly in 2011, unemployment increased once again in 2012 to reach its highest point since 1999. All age groups were affected by this deterioration, which mainly concerned blue-collar and white-collar workers, but also the intermediate professions, who had been spared in the two previous years.

Insee Première
No 1466
Paru le :Paru le26/09/2013
Fabien Guggemos et Joëlle Vidalenc, division Emploi, Insee
Insee Première No 1466- September 2013