Insee PremièreInternet increasingly popular, web users increasingly mobile

Vincent Gombault, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee

In 2012, three people in four residing in Metropolitan France used the internet in the previous three months, against just 56% in 2007. The digital divide is narrowing between social categories: the internet is used by almost all executives and has been since 2007; four workers in five also use it in 2012, against one in two five years earlier. Differences in practices remain according to age, but internet use is becoming increasingly generalised. More and more use is being made of many of the functionalities available on the web. Online purchasing and selling have been increasingly popular in recent years. The acceleration in the development of mobile internet devices is accompanying these trends: in 2012, 40% of French residents already used the internet out of the home via a laptop computer, mobile phone or pocket device, against just 10% five years earlier.

Insee Première
No 1452
Paru le :Paru le18/06/2013
Vincent Gombault, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1452- June 2013