Insee PremièreFewer births of unincorporated enterprises in 2011

Claire Hagège et Clotilde Masson, division Répertoire statistique et autres infrastructures, Insee

While total business creation in France held steady in 2011, gaining 2%, the number of unincorporated enterprises declined, notably owing to a 19% drop in “freelance entrepreneur” (auto-entreprise) registrations. These trends are fairly uniform across all economic sectors. The growing preference for starting businesses in simplified legal form or as single-person enterprises persisted in 2011. The total number of new businesses fell in almost all regions, but business creation was up in three-quarters of them. Ninety-four percent of new businesses were started without employees, notably on account of the large share (53%) of “freelance entrepreneur” registrations. The average age of founders of unincorporated enterprises is 38. Two-thirds are men, but the share of female entrepreneurs varies significantly with the activity sector. For example, they are very weakly represented in the information/communication and construction industries. The new status of “limited liability unincorporated enterprise” (Entrepreneur Individuel à Responsabilité Limitée: EIRL), introduced in 2011, was chosen by 4,520 business creators, or fewer than 1.5% of new unincorporated entrepreneurs.

Insee Première
No 1387
Paru le :Paru le30/01/2012
Claire Hagège et Clotilde Masson, division Répertoire statistique et autres infrastructures, Insee
Insee Première No 1387- January 2012