Insee PremièreYoung people and geographics: the attractiveness of university towns and economic centres

Chantal Brutel, département de l’Action régionale, Insee

In 2006, 12 million young people aged 15-29 were living in metropolitan France (mainland + Corsica). Their geographic distribution is not homogeneous, and it varies with age, as a function of the life cycle. During their high-school years, teenagers between 15 and 17 generally live with their parents. Their geographic distribution is identical to that of the total population. One-half of high-school students in rural areas travel more than 18 kilometres to attend school. Between ages 18 and 24, young people in higher education or who have just entered the workplace are concentrated in large cities. Thirty of these host three-quarters of higher-education students in metropolitan France. By age 25, most young people have finished their studies. These young adults enter the labour force and, as a result, move closer to the main centres of economic activity.

Insee Première
No 1275
Paru le :Paru le19/01/2010
Chantal Brutel, département de l’Action régionale, Insee
Insee Première No 1275- January 2010