Insee PremièreHousehold assets in early 2010: a shift away from home-purchase savings plans

Chaput Hélène, Luu Kim Kim-Hoa, Salembier Laurianne, Solard Julie, division revenus et patrimoine des ménages, Insee

In 2010, households living in France held a narrower range of financial assets than six years previously. First, the change in the tax treatment of home-purchase savings plans (Plans d'Épargne-Logement: PELs) turned savers away from this asset category. Second, the 2008 financial crisis triggered a drop in securities ownership. Households fell back on less risky assets such as retirement-savings plans and life insurance. Ownership of real-estate assets, regarded as a safe investment, also rose slightly.

Insee Première
No 1325
Paru le :Paru le30/11/2010
Chaput Hélène, Luu Kim Kim-Hoa, Salembier Laurianne, Solard Julie, division revenus et patrimoine des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1325- November 2010