Insee PremièreThe “third sector”, a major economic player: 10% of paid employment in cooperatives, mutual organizations, non-profit groups, and foundations

Laurent Bisault, direction régionale de Midi-Pyrénées, Insee

In welfare and hospital services, in banking and insurance, in agriculture and food processing, and, more modestly, in wholesaling/retailing and construction, the players of the social economy-also known as the “third sector”-display highly specific traits. Non-profit groups and foundations operate in the personal-services field, while mutual organizations and cooperatives are involved in finance and agriculture. The second category of units is active in rural areas, but also owns major urban businesses.

Insee Première
No 1342
Paru le :Paru le29/03/2011
Laurent Bisault, direction régionale de Midi-Pyrénées, Insee
Insee Première No 1342- March 2011