Victimisation survey - living environment and security 


Paru le :Paru le13/03/2025

The objective of the "victimisation" survey - Living environment and security (CVS) - is to take account of any criminal acts of which households and their members have been victim in the two years preceding the survey.

This survey is therefore used to measure the prevalence and incidence of certain attacks on people and property as well as the frequency of complaints filed with the police force and gendarmerie for each type of crimes but it also focuses on crimes which were not the subject of complaint.

The survey also examines the opinions of the whole population (victims and non-victims) in terms of living environment and safety.

In 2005 and 2006, victimisation surveys were conducted based on the model introduced in the ongoing Living Conditions survey (EPCV), which has traditionally contained questions on victimisation (burglaries, thefts of cars and thefts from cars, attacks including violent and simple thefts) since 1996.

This "Living environment and security" module, which was introduced in 2005 then repeated in identical fashion in 2006, serves to tackle other types of victimisation: vandalism of accommodation or cars, theft of two-wheeled vehicles, as well as questions of opinion dealing with problems involving living environment and security (state of buildings, traffic difficulties, police presence, drug problems, etc.).

This is the first series of surveys used to measure trends in delinquency in whole metropolitan France based on more than administrative statistics alone (filing of complaints with the gendarmerie or police).

From 2007, the annual victimisation surveys became a stand-alone-survey devoted to this topic. Following on from the previous surveys, they also provide new informations. These surveys supply not only an evaluation of the proportion of people who are victims of violence, but also improve awareness of the profile of victims.

Documentation par millésimes



  • Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security
  • National Crime and Penal Responses Monitoring Centre
