Survey on aeronautics and space sector of the large Southwestern France

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

This survey measures the economic weight of the aeronautics and space industry (AS) of the large Southwest of France, ie regional units whose activity contributes to the eronautics and space construction field at global level.

It allows to precisely delineate the perimeter of the regional AS sector (excluding regional units heads until the 2019 survey) and to collect statistical information (excluding regional units heads until the 2019 survey) necessary for measuring the economic weight of the sector in the regional economy and for the description of its operation.

The survey has been existing since 2013, it is the follower of former survey on subcontractors, suppliers or service providers of the aeronautics and space sector. From 2017, the geographical scope has been extended to both regions of New-Aquitaine and Occitania, the so called "Grand Sud-Ouest" (Great Southwestern France).

The 2020 survey covers the whole of France (excluding French Guiana) due to the difficult context for the aerospace industry.

Documentation par millésimes


