Survey on the organisational changes and computerisation 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

The Organisational Change and ICT use (C.O.I. in French) survey is intended to identify the organisational changes and ICT changes that have characterised corporate life in the last three years and their impact on economic performance in terms of employment and job content. C.O.I. is a matched employer / employee survey device, enhanced by outside information. The business section of the survey seeks to characterise the company's forms of organisation and recent changes in them stemming from the mobilisation of management tools and IT tools. The labour force section of the survey makes it possible to analyse the concrete organisation of labour, the use of these tools by employees, support for the changes in terms of training and wage policy, and to evaluate their effects on working conditions, employee selection, etc.

Enhancement through other surveys or administrative files also provides information on economic characteristics and on the structure of the companies' workforce.

Two key ideas are behind the C.O.I. survey. First, analysis of information and communication technologies cannot be disassociated from the study of organisational changes, since these play a mediating role in the genesis of innovative uses of information technology. Then, in order to construct a robust system for measuring change, it is appropriate to bring together the viewpoints of the company's representatives and those of its employees. This combination provides a more complete overview of the organisation through articulation of the tools adopted by management as experienced by employees; this makes it possible to analyse the impact of company decisions on work and to study the interactions between the trajectories of both.

A first survey was conducted in 1997 and a second in 2006.

The 2006 survey follows on from the previous one; however, the survey mechanism was partially renewed. The scope of the survey has been extended. Restricted to industry in 1997, it now covers the entire merchant sector (transport, trade, hotels, financial and business services). The coupling is no longer limited to companies with more than 50 employees, but starts from companies with 20 employees. And, whereas in 1997 the employees who left the company at the time of the collection were not questioned, leaving aside some of the most precarious employees, they will be questioned in the new survey using the secondary "employees" questionnaire.

Finally, an experiment will be conducted in the civil service using a specific questionnaire.

The "business" part of the survey was linked to the European survey on the diffusion of ICT in enterprises because the 2 surveys are aimed at the same population of enterprises, have similar themes and are conducted during the same period. The size of the business questionnaire was increased, with specifically European questions accounting for around 15% of the questionnaire.

Some of them are an integral part of the C. O. I. questioning. However, many of these questions are grouped in the last part of the questionnaire, as the reference period for European questions differs from the I. O. C. questions.

The "companies" and "employees" questionnaires have also evolved to include new themes, which were presented in Part 4 "Survey objectives and types of results disseminated" of the dossier submitted to the Label Committee, and to include new tools that have been developed since 1997: information and communication technologies or management tools, specific to a function or transversal.


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