Miscellaneous current transfers


Dernière mise à jour le :13/09/2021


Miscellaneous current transfers (D75) consist of current transfers other than insurance-related premiums and claims, current transfers within general government and current international cooperation. They consist of the current transfers to NPISHs (D751), between households (D752) and Other miscellaneous current transfers (D759)

Current transfers to NPISHs (D751) include all voluntary contributions (other than legacies), membership subscriptions and financial assistance which NPISHs receive from households (including non-resident households) and, to a lesser extent, from other institutional units.

Current transfers between households (D752) consist of all current transfers in cash or in kind made, or received, by resident households to, or from, other resident or non-resident households. In particular, they comprise remittances by emigrants or workers permanently settled abroad (or working abroad for a period of a year or longer) to members of their family living in their country of origin, or by parents to children in another location.

Other miscellaneous transfers (D759) include in particular:

  • fines and penalties imposed on institutional units by courts of law or quasi-judicial bodies,
  • payments of compensation paid by institutional units to other institutional units in compensation for injury to persons or damage to property, excluding payments of non-life insurance claims.