Urban policy


Dernière mise à jour le :22/05/2019


Urban policy is an urban cohesion and solidarity, national and local policy, towards disadvantaged urban areas and their inhabitants. It is deployed on intra-urban territories called "priority urban areas for urban policy", characterized by a gap of important economic and social development with the rest of the cities in which they are located.

The Planning act for town and urban cohesion of 21 February 2014 defined the principles of identification of these areas, specified by two decrees:

  • Decree of July 3, 2014 on the national list of priority urban areas for urban policy and its specific terms of determination in the metropolitan departments,
  • Decree of 22 December 2014 on methods of determining priority urban areas for the urban policy particularly for overseas departments, for St. Martin and for French Polynesia.

The urban areas for urban policy replace zoning formed by the sensitive urban zones and urban social cohesion contracts.