Products of the european community


Dernière mise à jour le :05/11/2019


PRODCOM is an acronym for "COMmunity PRODuction". The PRODCOM list is an european list of products from the extractive and manufacturing industries, updated annually, mainly according to changes in the Combined Nomenclature of Foreign Trade (CN). This list is nested in the nomenclature "Classification of Products by Activity", CPA. The PRODCOM headings have a code made of 8 positions, whose first four correspond to the CPA class level.

The PRODCOM list is not a nomenclature because it does not cover all the CPA headings.

PRODFRA is a French acronym for "PRODuction FRAnçaise", meaning "French production".

The PRODFRA nomenclature is a product classification, articulated both on the "Classification of French products", CPF, and the PRODCOM list. It covers all the industrial CPF headings (sub-categories level).

The PRODFRA headings are usually coded on ten positions: the first eight repeat the eight positions of the PRODCOM code if it exists. The last two are used to refine the nomenclature. Industrial services and subcontracted operations are coded on 6 positions (XXXX99 where XXXX corresponds to the CPF class level), on 7 positions (XXXX99a, b, c or d) or 10 positions.