Level of qualification (population census)


Dernière mise à jour le :21/05/2019


The level of education refers to the highest degree declared by the individual. The classes of degree used are as follows:

  • No qualifications:
    • did not attend school or no tuition or schooling completed before the end of primary school;
    • attended school until primary or secondary school;
    • full schooling;
  • Certificate of primary education;
  • Junior secondary education certificate, lower school certificate, school leaving certificate, national diploma;
  • Certificate of professional competence, Certificate of professional studies or diploma of equivalent level;
  • Baccalaureate, professional certificate:
    • general or technological baccalaureate, higher certificate, capacity in law DAEU,ESEU;
    • technological or vocational baccalaureate, vocational , technical or educational certificate, or equivalent diploma;
  • Advanced Technician's Certificate (BTS), University Technology Diploma, Health diploma or social bac+2 equivalent;
  • License, professional license, master's degree, equivalent to bac+3 or bac+4;
  • Master, DEA, DESS, high school diploma level bac+5, Health PhD;
  • Research Doctorate (excluding health).